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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Weight is not a friend of mine. I always have great ideas about how to loose weight and think how well that I will do but I never follow through. Why is it so easy to gain weight but so hard to loose it? I'm tired of feeling the way I feel about my weight so I am starting this as day 1 of my weight journal. I know that I will not write about it every day but I making it a goal to do so once a week. With knowing that I'm going to write about it, hopefully it will give me more motivation to actually lose weight. I LOVE food and that is the biggest problem. There isn't much that I don't like.... Fruits, vegetables know all the healthy stuff but I also like chocolate, ice cream, potatoes ( all the bad for you stuff). I think I just need to get up and go out and walk or do any little kind of exercise. Most of the time I have NO energy to do anything. I recently found out that I have low blood count and vitamin defincency so hopefully with getting all that back on track I will feel more like exercising. Talk to you all in a week...fingers crossed that it will be with a little less of me ;)

Monday, May 23, 2011


Okay, so I really haven't done well with keeping this thing up to date. I just realized that it's been over a month since my first (and only) post. OOPS!

Well tonight as like many other nights I am suffering from insomnia. I finally got some medicine for this but it was late when I finally was about to head to bed and I have to get kids up early in the morning for school and I didn't want to end up being over sleepy and groggy because I didn't get enough rest. So as the result I am wide awake!!! I try, really try to go to sleep but after laying in the bed for almost an hour I give up and get on the computer :)
I'm not really sure why it is that I can't go to sleep easily but as long as I can remember it has been a problem. It gets really aggravating sometimes but oh well guess I should set an alarm when it's time for me to take that pill so I will not have this problem anymore, huh?

Most nights while I awake I will edit/work on my photography. I'm thinking about either using this as my photography blog or I may just make another one just for that. Guess I may see how well I can keep up with this one before I tackle on another one. ;)

I'm going to try again to go to sleep....until then, hope you all are resting well.

Loves, Jen

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's time

Okay, so it's probably time that I finally start this thing. I created my blog over a year ago and just now am posting. Procrastination?? My mother would probably say YES! I'm not big on writing long posts everyday but I figured that I would start this so that I could express myself when I was angry, sad or just for the felt like talking/writing. :)

There are many things that I would love to do but sometimes find myself to busy or involved with something else to get anything done. Hopefully I can change that and enjoy the little things more.

Well I guess I will call this my start maybe I won't wait another year to post something else. HA!


About Me

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I'm a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend who loves God, my family & photography.